The admissibility of the installation of tiles on the painted surface

In many cases, tiling a painted surface can be a workable solution for home improvement projects. It does away with the need for intensive wall preparation and saves money and time. However, in order to guarantee a long-lasting and successful outcome, it is crucial to comprehend the circumstances in which this approach is appropriate.

The kind of paint that’s been applied to the surface comes first. Because glossy and semi-gloss paints are usually less porous and smoother, it may be more difficult for the adhesive to adhere correctly. Matte or flat paints, on the other hand, usually give the tile adhesive a better grip. It’s critical to evaluate the paint type and condition before moving further to ascertain whether further preparation is required.

The integrity of the painted surface is another crucial component. The paint will not give the tiles a stable foundation if it is chipping, peeling, or in some other way damaged. In these situations, it is best to remove the paint or give the surface a thorough sanding and cleaning to guarantee a strong bond. Furthermore, confirm that the wall structure beneath the tiles is sturdy and able to bear their weight.

A smooth surface is essential for successful tiling over paint. The painted surface can be given a rougher texture by lightly sanding it, which will strengthen the adhesive’s bond. It’s also crucial to clean the surface to get rid of any contaminants, grease, or dust. It is possible to improve adhesion and durability even further by using a premium primer made for painted surfaces.

Ultimately, thorough planning and preparation are necessary for tile installation on painted surfaces, even though it is feasible. A successful and long-lasting tile installation can be accomplished by being aware of the type of paint, assessing the surface condition, and adequately prepping the area. To update their spaces in an efficient manner, many do-it-yourself enthusiasts may find this method to be a useful solution.

The surface on which you can lay the tile

  • coated with a layer of gypsum plaster, peeled from dust and soil soil;
  • made from sheets of plywood and treated with protective drugs that prevent the saturation of the material with water and decay;
  • lined with drywall or gypsum fiber, with a flat surface with good adhesion;
  • having a decorative ceramic coating.

Plastering base

Good glue adhesion is achieved during installation on such a base, but there shouldn’t be a height difference of more than 3 mm. If the room was used for construction, the cement coating should have dried by now (water evaporates over a period of 12 to 14 days). After applying a primer to the walls that includes antibacterial ingredients, ceramic tile installation is required.


The tree ages because of its high water absorption capacity due to its porous structure. They are treated with mastics to block channels and stop damage before the surface tile is laid. In unfinished spaces (like bathrooms), drywall is advised rather than plywood.

Drywall sheets

Light partitions and wall alignment are accomplished with gypsum plasters or highly durable gypsum-fiber slabs. Materials offer a smooth surface that keeps the layer of adhesive in place. Sheets are treated with antibacterial soil to improve adhesion.

Old coating

If the walls have old tiles, the coating strength is examined by hammering on certain components. Loud noises signify that the material is being exfoliated from the base; in this scenario, the old coating needs to be removed. "Concrete contact" mastic is required to be applied to glossy surfaces. Elastic glue, which is intended for materials with low absorption capacity, is used to attach tiles.

In addition, regarding repairs:

  • Is it possible to glue wallpaper on water -based paint?
  • How to wash water -based paint?
  • How to quickly remove water -based paint from the walls?
  • Is it possible to apply paint to paint?
  • Is it possible to apply water -based paint to enamel?
  • How to paint the ceiling tile?
  • Is it possible to apply acrylic paint to alkyd paint?
  • How to cover the paint so as not to wash off?

Pain compatibility: admissibility

It’s important to assess the type and condition of the paintwork before beginning any work. You will need to make notches and use an abrasive tool to treat the walls if oil paint is applied.

Since water-based paints exfoliate under the influence of glue (due to lack of air and increased humidity) and enamel and water-based materials do not adhere well to smooth surfaces, they must be completely removed from the base.

In the article "The admissibility of the installation of tiles on the painted surface," we address a frequently asked question among do-it-yourselfers and homeowners: is it appropriate to install tiles over a painted surface? We explore the important factors, including paint type, paint condition, and necessary preparation. By being aware of these aspects, readers can ensure a successful and long-lasting outcome for their project by choosing wisely whether to tile over paint or remove the paint first.

Preparatory events

During the preparatory phase of work, it is essential to:

  • remove foreign objects from the premises;
  • Remove the door leafs and platbands of the boxes;
  • Install protective screens for water pipes and plumbing.

Analysis of the painted surface and the removal of the composition

The base is necessary regardless of paint type, and it improves tile glue adhesion. Sandpaper or a grinding machine is required for cleaning (some masters use a punch). The caliber of the preparatory work determines how long the tile coating will last.

It creates glossy coatings with poor adhesion, so a mechanical or manual tool (like a grinding machine) is required to remove the top layer. After that, you should apply a primer, clean the walls of dust, and make notes up to 3 mm deep.

Oil paint

After using an abrasive tool (such as sandpaper or a metal brush) to treat the walls, an ax or perforator must be used to apply a 1-3 mm notch. Dust off the surfaces and use a degreasing solution (like acetone) to wipe them down. The base needs to be soaked with soil before tiles are laid.

Water -based

Water-based paints exfoliate from the base when exposed to high humidity, so the material has to be removed from the ceiling and walls. Use a large-grain sandpaper, chisel, or sharpened spatula to remove.

Following the removal of surface dust, several soil layers were impregnated.

Methods of laying tiles

When putting in a tile over paint, make use of:

  • enhancing the adhesive layer with steel wire;
  • The use of mounting material with improved characteristics.


In order to strengthen the adhesive layer, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Before applying the mass, mark the wall and drill holes up to 20 mm deep with a step 250-300 mm.
  2. Drive into the channels of the dowel and pull the steel wire forming the grid. The reinforcing layer should be located in the center of the adhesive layer.
  3. Sketch glue over the wall and evenly distribute the mass with a spatula, eliminating air voids.
  4. Lay the tile, aligning and evenly pressing the elements to the adhesive layer and adjusting the gaps using plastic wedges.

Using enhanced adhesive composition: Councils for the choice of glue

Additional additives, like PVA, are added to tile glue to enhance its adhesive properties. The materials simultaneously strengthen the adhesive joint and quicken the solidification process.

It is imperative to utilize a mass that is resilient to variations in temperature and atmospheric precipitation when installing tile on balconies or in open spaces without heating. Certain glues, like epoxy or acid-pole glue, are made specifically to be used in certain situations.

Necessary tools

It will need to be laid:

  • tile cutter or angular grinding machine with an abrasive circle for cutting tiles for preparations of the required size;
  • an abrasive tool (for example, a sharpener) for cutting edges;
  • pencil and line for applying marking;
  • roulette for measurements;
  • hydraulic level;
  • wooden bars with a section of 40×40 mm for positioning the lower row of tiles on the wall;
  • Perforator and a set of drills in concrete;
  • screwdriver or electric screwdriver;
  • container and mixer for mixing glue with water;
  • toothed spatula and cell for applying mass to the wall;
  • a hammer with a plastic working part.


Additional supplies will be needed for laying:

  • a set of wedges for adjusting the gaps;
  • sponge and container with water to remove glue from the outer surface of the tile;
  • Rubber shoulder blade to fill the seams with grout paste.

Nuances of mounting tiles on a painted surface: algorithm of action

When laying tiles, it is necessary to first cut the door boxes (if the thickness of the tile and glue exceeds the gap that currently exists). After 12 to 14 hours, the solution partially freezes, allowing you to walk on the floor within a day. It can take up to several days for the glue to fully polymerize and for the water to evaporate (depending on the manufacturer and the chemical composition).


A succinct action algorithm:

  1. Find the central point on the surface, pulling the cords from the corners of the room.
  2. On a pre -cleaned and processed floor in the center of the room, apply glue with a spatula (thickness of not more than 20 mm).
  3. Apply additional mass to the back of the tile (layer thickness up to 5 mm).
  4. Put an element on the base and level the level.
  5. By analogy, install neighboring products (a square of 4 parts should form), adjusting the gaps with wedges. Excess adhesive masses that fell on the end edges and the front part with a damp sponge.
  6. Wait for the glue hardening and proceed to laying tiles in the remaining part of the room.
  7. Wipe the seams with paste 3-5 days after the end of the laying. After hardening, soak the grout with antibacterial waterproof liquid.


You must carry out the following actions in order to do work:

  1. Apply horizontal markings to pre -peeled walls and primed walls and fix wooden bars with screws. Support to place from the base with the finish coating at a height corresponding to the size of the tiles.
  2. Apply glue to partitions and elements of the decoration (by analogy with the floor cladding), and then lay the row on the bar. Adjust the position of elements using wedges and level, excess glue remove from the surface and ends with a damp sponge.
  3. After solidifying the solution, lay the remaining rows in turn, withstanding the gaps and pauses for 4-5 hours (to solidify the mixture).
  4. Remove the wooden block and lay out the lower row of tiles, cutting the elements with an abrasive tool (if necessary).
  5. After the end of the styling, wait 3-5 days, and then remove the spacer wedges and grout the seams with the subsequent processing of the joints with an antibacterial solution.

Features of laying ceiling tiles on top of paint

Polyvinyl chloride is used to make ceiling tiles, which are lighter than one another.

To install, you will require:

  1. Remove the swollen paint from the ceiling using a sharpened spatula, remove traces of dust, and then treat the surface with a “concrete contact” with an antibacterial acrylic soil.
  2. Find the center of the ceiling with cords stretched from the corners of the room.
  3. Apply synthetic glue to tiles (for example, liquid nails), and then install on the ceiling.
  4. Cut the remaining elements, cut angle parts in accordance with the required dimensions. The grout of the seams is not required, the gaps are removed with a tight adjustment of the plates.

There is no clear-cut yes or no response to the question of whether installing tiles on a painted surface is acceptable. It primarily depends on the kind of tile being used and the state of the paint that is currently on the surface.

The painted surface might be appropriate for tiling if it is in good condition and shows no evidence of flaking, peeling, or moisture damage. To improve the tile adhesive’s bond, the surface must be properly prepared by cleaning it thoroughly and lightly roughening it.

Enhancing the adhesion of the tiles can also be accomplished by using a primer made for use with paint and tile adhesive. A successful installation can also be ensured by selecting a premium tile adhesive that is appropriate for use over painted surfaces.

However, it’s usually not a good idea to lay tiles over a painted surface that has significant deterioration or damage. In these situations, the best course of action is to remove any existing paint and properly prepare the surface before tiling in order to guarantee a strong and long-lasting installation.

In conclusion, even though tiles can be installed over a painted surface, it’s crucial to evaluate the paint’s condition and take the required preparations to ensure a perfect surface. You can contribute to ensuring a successful and durable tile installation by doing this.

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Daniel Sedov

Master finish with 20 years of experience. I know everything about painting walls, ceilings, facades. I will gladly help you make your home beautiful and cozy.NoEDIT]

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