How to use a sealant: how to open a silicone sealant, how to apply it

If you’re new to home improvement projects, using a sealant may seem intimidating, but once you know the basics, it’s a simple process. Silicone sealants are particularly well-liked because of their longevity and adaptability. A clean, polished finish is the result of properly opening and applying silicone sealant, whether you’re sealing a bathtub, repairing a leak, or finishing a craft project.

You must first open the silicone sealant tube in order to begin. Typically, this is accomplished by using scissors or a sharp knife to cut the nozzle at an angle. Depending on the requirements of your project, make sure to cut either close to the tip for a finer bead or further back for a thicker bead. Next, use a long nail or the puncture tool frequently found on the caulking gun to pierce the inner seal of the tube.

It takes some patience and a steady hand to apply the sealant. If you’re using a caulking gun, load the tube into it. Gently pull the trigger to start the sealant flowing. Along the joint or crack that needs to be sealed, apply the sealant in a continuous, even line. To ensure even coverage and prevent gaps or bubbles, it is best to work slowly.

You must even out the sealant after application before it dries. Either a damp finger or a smoothing tool can be used for this. Pressing the sealant into the crevice to produce a polished, tidy appearance is the aim. It can be challenging to remove excess sealant once it hardens, so be sure to clean it up right away.

You will have no trouble becoming an expert silicone sealant user if you follow these steps. With time and patience, you’ll refine your technique and produce results for all your sealing projects that are on par with those of a professional.

How can you remove the old silicone sealant

There are two ways to get rid of it: mechanically, by using a sharp knife to scrape off the old, hardened silicone layer; or using a special tool to remove an old sealant layer. There are instances when removing a knife or blade is not feasible. In this instance, using a specific flurry and solvents will help remove it.

Cut off the tube’s screw head above the thread, tighten the tip, remove the cap, and then cut the nose at a 45-degree angle, following the diameter that matches the seam’s width. Certain adhesives and sealants have an extra membrane that needs to be punctured in the hole that is created in the screw head.

  1. Cut the tip of the cartridge with a sharp knife;
  2. screw the nozzle to the cylinder;
  3. Cut at an angle of 45 0 tip. The distance on which it is cut depends on the thickness of the processed seam. The thicker the seam, the greater the distance from the end retreat.

Any design operates in this manner: a tubing tube is inserted into the pistol case (1), the trigger is pulled (2), the piston is driven (4), and the tube’s bottom is pressed. The glue exits the "cylinder" as a result.

  1. Gently remove a nose from the cylinder. The capacity itself is directed in the opposite direction (there should not be people there).
  2. Cut the end of the tube with a sharp knife.
  3. Install the nose in the same place, having previously removed the cap from it.
  4. In the bottom of the tube insert the handle of an ordinary locksmith.

How to apply correctly

To ensure that sealing goes smoothly and yields the desired outcome, proper application of a sealant is necessary. Procedure for applications:

  • The plane is thoroughly cleaned of pollution, dust deposits, wiped dry, degreased.
  • The dryness of the opening is checked (this is very important to ensure high -quality sapling).
  • In order not to pollute the area around, a gap on both sides is glued with a mounting tape.
  • The sealant ready for work is distributed by the site.
  • The mass is applied from the corner part, while the cylinder is all the time under the slope, the distribution should take place evenly.
  • Moisturized rubber spatula, the seam is formed.
  • The protective layer of the painting tape is removed.
  • Excesses are removed by a spatula or pure rag.
  • Further work is carried out only after the seam is completely dry.

Once you understand the fundamentals, using a silicone sealant is simple: Using a nail or the built-in tool of the sealant gun, carefully cut the tip of the sealant tube at an angle before puncturing the inner seal. Then, insert the tube into a sealant gun and pull the trigger to evenly apply sealant along the joint or gap that needs to be filled. For a clean finish, use a sealant smoothing tool or your wet finger to smooth the bead. For optimal results, always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure the surface is clean and dry before applying.

Is it possible to use silicone as glue?

Viscous and dense silicone sealants work well with a range of materials and have good adhesive qualities. They work well for both sealing and gluing because they evenly create plastic seams that are resistant to mechanical forces and precisely fill in cracks.

The tool is ready to use when the rod is advanced to the stop (you must press the latch to do this), plastic packaging is tucked into the gun, and sealant is pressed to the end. Holding the latch is required while refueling.

If a silicone tube is opened and left unused for an extended period of time, the sealant may partially freeze inside the tube from the nose. In this instance, it is not squeezed out, and attempting to force it out will cause the gun to bend or shatter. To preserve the chance of extracting the good sealant that is still in the native tube, think about how to remove spoiled silicone. This technique also applies to liquid nails, bitumen, acrylic, silicate, and polyurethane sealants.

Using a screwdriver or nail, the sealant that has frozen in her neck is pushed inside the nose after it has been removed from the tube. To find out how deeply the sealant froze, you can also attempt to pierce it with an awl to determine why it’s worth bothering.

With a knife, you must cut the tube as close to the neck as you can. You can navigate it if there is a drawn line telling you not to mow the cut. Avoid using a hacksaw as it will result in a large cut and plastic sawdust that will get trapped in the sealant. The tube is cut circularly, but it does not drop to the end by more than one centimeter.

The tube must then be bent along the cut line. Because of the undercut area, it is doubled but does not disconnect. In this instance, the frozen cork is accessible. Regular silicone that protrudes from it gets scribbled and reinserted into the pipe. The actual cork is taken out. All you have to do is insert a screwdriver into it and pull; a lump will come out with ease because it is initially torn from the nose.

A corkless tube is being replaced. At the cutting line, Scotch is wound. In order to increase the sticking area, you must wind it wide.

After being repaired in this manner, the tube can be placed in the mounting gun for sealants and utilized normally. A long self-tapping screw is inserted along the tree from the thread to clean it if its nose is also packed with frozen silicone. Furthermore, the blockage and the screw are removed with the pliers.

Most sealants must be used right away after cutting and entering an air tube because they will quickly freeze again. If this is silicone, it will be possible to lie down for several more months with careful winding tape. It is much easier to clean the tube if the nose is left in place and the composition is allowed to dry out. This is the most important thing to remember.

Assemble all required instruments during the preparatory phase. You’ll require:

  • mounting gun for sealing composition;
  • solvent to remove the remains of the old sealant;
  • masking tape to protect the surface from spray of the material;
  • napkins to remove sealant from the surface;
  • Spatula for uniform distribution over the surface.
  • Liquid soap for spatula.

Typically, hermetizing material is offered in unique 310 ml cartridges. They are only to be used with the mounting gun and are not meant to be opened. The following is how sealant was discovered and used:

  • To prepare the cartridge, it is necessary to cut the tip of the plastic distributor at an angle of 45 degrees, making sure that the hole is slightly larger than the gap designed to seal.
  • After that, place the cartridge in the mounting gun. The back of the gun has an oblong rod bent in one direction. This rod must be pulled a little back to open a place into which you need to insert the cartridge.
  • Integration is carried out extremely carefully so as not to break anything: first place the base, then direct the tip of the cartridge to the pistol barrel. Finally, turn the hook by fixing the cartridge in the gun. Ready.
  • Now, clicking on the trigger, push the portion of the sealant. Try to apply a straight, continuous line, without going beyond the borders of the cloak.
  • Calve the applied mass with a spatula or with your hands, previously lubricated with soapy solution to avoid sticking soft sealant.

Using a gentle cloth, the leftover sealant residue on the surface can be gently put back together. Nevertheless, it is advisable to use painting tape to pre-glue the entire surface—apart from the gap.

Make sure to clear the workspace of any debris, dust, and remaining sealant. Napkins can be used to remove dirt and dust, but a solvent or hand labor with sharp tools will be required to remove the sealant.

The process of cleaning the nozzle from dried sealant

Everything is contingent upon the frozen silicone’s volume. This is the simplest scenario if the cork has only developed at the tip of the nozzle in her nose. Coping with him is not hard at all. To do this, we cut the nozzle from the base to the end along its longitudinal axis. Typically, the blade’s output is where it plunges into a small cork to remove it from the nozzle at its tip.

Squeezing the sealant and driving it into effect, we insert the spray into the gun after securely wrapping a section of the nozzle with construction tape, leaving an open hole in the nose.

Squeezing the silicone from the spray may be able to proceed without the need for further force application after some initial increased effort.

The dried silicone cork can grow to enormous sizes if the silicone spray can’s sealing was not sufficiently secure after it was cut.

Cut the most resilient areas with a knife to remove the outer winding. Following that, we act on the cork and remove it in one or two steps using a screwdriver through the longitudinal incision. Additionally, we do everything exactly as we did the first time: we firmly tape the nozzle, insert the spray can into the gun, and squeeze its contents.

Similar to silicone, liquid nails can solidify in the spray can’s nozzle due to inadequate sealing. In the event that this occurs, it will not affect the screwdriver’s ability to loosen the cork’s adhesion to the nozzle’s material or the screwdriver’s ability to measure the cork’s size.

Additionally, everything is the same as it was in the past: the nozzle’s longitudinal cut, the plug being removed with a screwdriver, the nozzle being wrapped in tape, and a spray can being placed in a pistol and used.

It’s a trick that greatly raises the caliber of your repair, but not many masters and builders know about it. For instance, the corner space between the two surfaces needs to be sealed with silicone sealant. When applying silicone sealant, if the tube is opened normally and cut at a straight angle, the sealant will just come to the surface, leaving an empty space beneath it even after smoothing. A seam like that will barely hold together and eventually burst because it will easily come off.

As I demonstrate below, if you open the tube like an expert, the sealant will pressurize into the gap and fill all of its spaces when you squeeze out the composition. Naturally, a seam with this kind of durability would be much more durable.

Nozzles that are either tightly sealed or already have a hole with a cap are typically sold with tubes. Using a construction knife, we make a 45-degree cut on the nose.

Make clean cuts on both sides.

And slightly trim the tip.

Nearly finished. to manually bring something that is shameful of the nose to perfection.

After a few motions, my nose felt as it should have.

At this point, you could attempt to seal the corner seams with at least some glue.

Silicone sealant drying time

Even when the medication is applied correctly, positive outcomes are not always assured. It is crucial to properly dry it. The complex material known as silicone mixture solidifies at varying rates depending on its composition. Therefore, drying time will be about 4–8 hours if acids are used as vulcanizer. Alcohol-neutralizing medications take up to a day to dry out.

In this instance, you should be aware that the silicone sealant’s drying time for the bathroom is influenced by a number of additional factors in addition to its composition:

  • The thickness of the layer. The thinner the film is from the drug, the faster it will dry out.
  • Environmental temperature. The best option from +5 to +40C.
  • Place of application. Hard -to -reach areas where there is no air movement, dry longer.

One more crucial point. The process of hardening happens gradually. Initially, a thin layer is pressed against the polymer’s surface. About 15 to 25 minutes pass. Following this period, the substance will not adhere to the hand as it would have done right away after application. It is still very far away, though, before the polymerization process ends. The composition hardens at a rate of approximately 2 mm of depth per day on average.

You can therefore estimate how long it will take the product to dry completely based on the size of the layer. The paste must establish ideal drying conditions up until the point of final hardening. It is shielded from mechanical impacts, dust, and drops in temperature.

All about how to use a pistol for sealant

Every type of pistol is made up of multiple structural components.

  • Frame that holds a container with mastic.
  • A rod with a piston. When pressing it, it squeezes the composition through the nozzle.
  • A trigger with which there is a stem pressure.
  • Lever mechanism. He promotes the rod to the desired distance.
  • Fixer. Blocks the reverse course of the rod element, removes excess pressure on the container.

Clean the surface of the sealant

As with most of their equivalents, a highly sought-after sealing agent. The primary distinction is that rubber served as the material’s foundation, giving it plasticity and polymerization potential. That is, transforming from a viscous pasta into a strong, elastic mass over time. Because of this, the medication, in its liquid form, readily gets into even the smallest of cracks before solidifying and firmly shielding them from moisture.

It’s critical to identify the type of agot in order to remove a dried one. This will assist in thoroughly cleaning silicone sealant of any residue. Differentiate between its two varieties:

  • Acidic. They include acid, often vinegar. This not only gives them an easily recognizable smell, but also determines the very budget value. The solutions are effective, quickly harden, have good adhesion. The main drawback is incompatibility with metals, cement -containing coatings and stone. The acid contained in the paste destroys them.
  • Neutral. More expensive materials that use alcohols or amines. Thanks to this, they are absolutely safe for any coatings, they are used everywhere. Are characterized by high efficiency, good adhesion and strength. The polymerization process of such solutions is slower, so they need to harden about a day.

Removing the moist back is the simplest method. All you have to do is rub it with a rag or rags. It is also taken out of the hand. However, a hardened solution will be challenging to clean, regardless of how old it is.


1. Sealants are available in cartridges designed for a specific construction gun, for ease of use. Put on working gloves before using it to shield your hands’ skin from the chemicals. Additionally, wearing special protective clothing and a respirator is required when working with similar substances.

2. Two types of sealant pistols are identified: a semi-hull gun with a smooth rod and a tubular metal, skeletal pistol for tubes with a hexagonal rod.

3. Set up the work area by measuring the seam and using camouflage tape to shield the materials that surround it.

4. To insert the cartridge into the gun, press the rear lever to the handle and then extend the metal pin to create room for the sealant container to be refilled. Next, trim the tube’s tip at an angle of about 45 degrees so that the hole is the same size as the gap. Next, push the piston into the inserted cartridge until it stops.

5. When applying a sealant to the necessary surface, press the trigger (or a pistol lever) until the material fills the hole. Remain where its droplets cover the seam. Move the tip at the seam at the same speed if the sealant starts to leak.

6. To stop the sealant from out, castle the plunger (piston) as soon as you get to the end of the seam.

7. The workpiece for sealants needs to be taken apart and cleaned with warm water afterward. The storage of open sealant is unrestricted. Place the opened cartridge in a cool, dry place. Release a small amount of new silicone at the end of the work before storing it to ensure it emerges at the tip. Put on the cap, then quickly encircle the tip with "DUCT TAPE" tape or drive a nail into it before covering it with tape.

8. In this case, using a gun is not required if you purchased the sealant in a tiny tube with a tail. Open it primitively and trim the security (or cut it off with a knife).

Step Instructions
How to open a silicone sealant Cut the tip of the sealant tube at a 45-degree angle using a utility knife. Puncture the inner foil with a long nail or the sealant gun"s built-in cutter.
How to apply a silicone sealant Insert the tube into the sealant gun. Squeeze the trigger to release the sealant evenly along the seam. Smooth the sealant with a wet finger or a smoothing tool for a neat finish.

Although using a silicone sealant can seem difficult at first, it can be simple and efficient if you follow the right procedures. Make sure you have the right equipment first: a clean, dry surface, a caulking gun, and a utility knife. Correctly opening the sealant tube is essential for a seamless application. To help you control the flow of the sealant, carefully cut the nozzle tip at a 45-degree angle.

Press firmly to release the caulking gun’s contents after the tube has been opened and filled with sealant. To ensure an even application, move the gun continuously along the seam or joint. Working slowly is crucial to preventing voids or overabundance of buildup. Once the sealant has been applied, press it into the surface with a damp finger or a smoothing tool to produce a smooth finish.

As directed by the manufacturer, the sealant should cure for a minimum of 24 hours. Refrain from touching or disturbing the area during this time. After curing, silicone sealant creates a long-lasting, impermeable barrier. Applying silicone sealant correctly guarantees long-lasting protection and a polished finish for your projects.

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Daria Yakovlev

Interior designer, author of online color design courses. I will help you create a harmonious interior using color.

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