What is the difference between water -based paint and water?

Knowing the various paint types can significantly impact the final result of your painting project when you’re planning it. The distinction between water and paint that is based on water is one frequently asked question. Despite their similarity in sound, they have completely different functions in the painting and decorating industry.

Paint that uses water as its main solvent is called water-based paint, sometimes known as acrylic or latex paint. This makes it simple to apply and clean up because the pigments and binder are suspended in water. Paints based on water are widely used due to their rapid drying times, minimal harmful emissions, and adaptability. They work well on a range of surfaces, such as furnishings, walls, and ceilings.

Conversely, water is just the liquid used in water-based paints as a solvent. It serves as a medium for the paint’s ingredients and vanishes when the paint dries. Since water lacks binders and pigments, it cannot function as a paint and cannot produce color or a long-lasting finish on its own. It does not affect the paint’s durability or final appearance, but it plays a critical role in determining the paint’s consistency and ease of application.

Comprehending this differentiation aids in comprehending the reasons behind the preference for water-based paints in numerous home renovation endeavors. In comparison to paints based on solvents, they have less odor, are easier to clean up with soap and water, and are generally thought to be more environmentally friendly. By being aware of these specifics, you can select the best paint for your requirements and guarantee a more seamless painting process.

Despite having water as a common ingredient, water-based paint and water have completely different uses. Water-based paint is an eco-friendly, multipurpose paint that coats surfaces to add color, protection, and a long-lasting finish. Unlike plain water, which is devoid of these ingredients and is unable to adhere to or protect surfaces in the same manner, it contains pigments, binders, and additives that, when applied, form a cohesive layer. Comprehending this differentiation is imperative in selecting appropriate painting materials, guaranteeing efficient and robust outcomes.

Properties and features of both types

A number of crucial considerations must be made in order to define water-based and water-dispersal paints and understand their differences:

  • their components;
  • specific gravity;
  • viscosity;
  • consumption;
  • Features of application;
  • expiration dates.


We first become familiar with water-based paint and its primary features. This kind of coating is composed of water, special polymer particles, and pigments. Mineral, acrylic, or silicone resins may also be contained on occasion. A unique solvent can be added to such paint in different amounts to alter its viscosity.

For every square meter of painted surface, approximately 210 milliliters of water-based paint are used on average. However, the kind of surface, the level of dilution, and a few other variables may affect this indicator. Generally speaking, this kind of coverage has a specific gravity of no more than 1.5 kg.

The following are some significant benefits of this kind of paint:

  • high level of environmental safety;
  • Absolute lack of smell when the coating dries;
  • ease and simplicity of application;
  • Convenient color change by tinting;
  • wide selection of tools for application;
  • Favorable and affordable cost.

Water-based paint currently comes in a number of varieties, each with special qualities of its own:

  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • Silicate.

They are all different from one another in terms of composition and application area. Coatings made of mineral water are the least expensive option. They are typically based on cement or quick lime. Although these coatings are used to color a wide range of surfaces, their longevity is questionable.

The acrylic water emulsion is the most widely used universal solution. It is perfect for applying a coating to glass, metal, brick, plaster, and wood surfaces.

A silicone water emulsion, which is made of premium silicone resins, is the priciest coating. With this type of paint, you can cover any kind of surface.

It is advised to use silicate water-based water-based, which contains liquid glass and coloring pigments, in rooms with higher humidity levels.


Go to the colors of water dispersion now. These coatings consist of acrylic, latex, or polyvinyl acetate binding components combined with water dispersions. This is where paint’s strength and moisture resistance come into play, along with its scope.

Water-dispersal PVA (polyvinilacetate) is the cheapest and easiest option. It is typically used to stain the ceilings of different rooms. Because of its poor moisture resistance, using it in the kitchen and bathroom is strongly discouraged. The paint’s propensity for rapid pollution is yet another serious disadvantage.

A vododispersion made of latex is the second kind. It produces a coating that is more resilient and long-lasting. Furthermore, it has no fear whatsoever of water or dirt.

Finally, acrylic paint is the third kind. It is perfect for use both inside and outside of different kinds of buildings because of its excellent resistance to adverse atmospheric phenomena and high level of protection. It can be used on wall and ceiling surfaces made of concrete or wood. Such a coating is not in any way threatened by increased humidity.

Important features and advantages of water -based paints

The following characteristics of water-dispersal paints should be considered when using them:

  • Air temperature for using this type of coating should be more than +5 ° C;
  • Such paint completely dries two hours after application;
  • This type of coating can perfectly fill small cracks and cracks, therefore it does not require too thoroughly preliminary preparation of surfaces.

The following are some of their most significant intrinsic benefits that should be noted:

  • the durability of the coating;
  • Excellent "breathing" abilities;
  • high resistance to temperature differences;
  • inappropriation of aggressive household funds;
  • lack of toxic substances in the composition;
  • Compatibility with almost any types of surfaces, the exception is only metal, contact with which can provoke corrosion;
  • lack of an unpleasant irritating smell.

Regarding the benefits of water emulsion, the following should be mentioned:

  • high drying speed;
  • lack of unpleasant odor and harmful components;
  • simple color change by using pigments;
  • simplicity of application and a wide selection of tools used for these purposes.
Aspect Water-Based Paint Water
Composition Contains pigments, binders, and additives dissolved in water Pure H2O with no additives
Purpose Used to coat surfaces with a colored, protective layer Used for drinking, cleaning, and other basic needs
Drying Dries to form a solid, colored film on surfaces Evaporates or soaks into materials without leaving a colored film
Usage Applied with brushes, rollers, or sprayers Can be poured, sprayed, or used in its liquid form
Properties Creates a durable and washable surface once dry Essential for life and various practical uses

Although water and water-based paints appear similar at first, they have very different uses in painting and decorating. We use water, a straightforward, clear liquid, for drinking, cleaning, and other necessities on a daily basis. It lacks the binding, color, and opacity that paint needs to stick to surfaces and leave a long-lasting finish.

Water-based paints, on the other hand, are specially mixed mixtures that include binders, pigments, and additional additives. The paint’s color, consistency, and adhesion to walls, furniture, and other surfaces are all derived from these ingredients. These paints’ water serves as a solvent, which facilitates easy application and cleanup. The water in the paint evaporates as it dries, leaving behind a vibrant, long-lasting layer.

The fact that water-based paints emit few harmful emissions is one of their key benefits. They are a safer and greener option because they emit fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than paints based on oil. They also dry quickly and don’t yellow over time, so your paint job will continue to look good for longer.

Water doesn’t have the qualities necessary to function as paint, despite the fact that it is essential for many daily tasks. In contrast, water-based paints utilize water’s advantages as a solvent while still offering the attributes required to preserve and enhance surfaces. By making the appropriate product choice for your painting requirements, you can ensure project satisfaction and safety by being aware of this distinction.

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Maria Vlasova

Chemist-technologist, expert on paint and varnish materials. I will help you figure out the compositions of paints, their characteristics and choose the best option for your purposes.

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