How and how to glue the foam between themselves, with concrete, metal, wood

Foam is a versatile material that can be used in a variety of ways for construction and home improvement projects. It is crucial to know how to glue foam properly whether you’re working on craft projects, building lightweight structures, or insulating your home. The best techniques and adhesives for attaching foam to various surfaces, such as concrete, metal, and wood, will be demonstrated in this guide.

Because foam is porous and lightweight, adhering to it or to other materials can be challenging. To ensure a solid, long-lasting bond, it’s important to select the appropriate adhesive and adhere to certain instructions. Various glue types are needed for different materials, and there are best practices specific to each. You can accomplish professional outcomes without experiencing the frustration of fruitless endeavors by grasping these subtleties.

For example, you will need a strong adhesive that can withstand the rough, porous surface of the concrete when you are gluing foam to it. Similar to this, an adhesive that can handle the smooth, occasionally slick surface is needed when bonding foam to metal. Wood has unique difficulties because it can be smooth or rough, and it may absorb adhesives in a different way than other materials. For the best results, each scenario calls for a different strategy.

This guide will give you precise, detailed instructions on how to glue foam in a variety of scenarios. We’ll go over the kinds of adhesives that work best with each combination of materials and provide advice on how to get a strong, long-lasting bond. These tips will help you approach your next project with confidence and accuracy, regardless of whether you’re a professional or a do-it-yourself enthusiast.

Material Glue Type
Foam to Foam Use a foam adhesive or spray adhesive designed for foam. Apply evenly and press firmly.
Foam to Concrete Use construction adhesive or a heavy-duty adhesive. Clean the concrete surface before applying.
Foam to Metal Use a strong adhesive like epoxy or a contact cement. Ensure the metal surface is clean and dry.
Foam to Wood Use wood glue or construction adhesive. Make sure the wood is smooth and dust-free.


The material known as polystyrene foam, or polystyrene, is prone to destruction when exposed to solvents and other harsh chemicals. Consequently, the following composition shouldn’t exist:

  • ketone solvents;
  • acetone;
  • nitrogen compounds (nitromethane, nitrobenzene);
  • chlorine derivatives;
  • gasoline, white spirit, kerosene;
  • alcohol and etheric components.

The scope of application—whether for internal or external work—must be considered. Frost-resistant glue is required for exterior surfaces and facades.

Each composition comes with usage instructions on the packaging. It shows the grounds that are adhesive. Maybe you could use this glue to attach pipes that you can purchase for The pND pipes should, of course, be connected with special hubs rather than glue.

Types and brands of adhesives

Glue is applied using:

  • dry (powder, plastered-cell) and ready-made liquid mixtures;
  • liquid Nails ;
  • glue-pen (polyurethane);
  • sealants.

Dry (powder)

These are reddish-plastered mixtures. up to 30 kg per package when packed in large bags. The powder is prepared by diluting it with water according to the ratios given in the instructions. The inclusion of polymer, gypsum, and cement components forms the basis of the composition. From the outside, the powder resembles plaster or putty, but the outcome of the gluing is stronger.

Ideal for both exterior and interior projects. They work poorly on wooden, concrete, and other surfaces. It serves as a sealant for seams, joints, and fissures. A square meter of consumption corresponds to 1.5–2 kilograms.

The walls are prepared before gluing in order to ensure a dependable outcome: they are dust- and dirt-free, dried, and primed.

When breeding powder with water, the water is continuously stirred and the liquid is added little by little. This will prevent lumps from forming. Application can be done in two ways: in one continuous layer covering the whole surface, or in smaller, spaced lines.

  • Ceresit ST-83;
  • Knauf Perlfix;
  • Avant-garde;
  • Primus;
  • Volma ";
  • Armierungs-Gewebekleber.

You can use Avangard-k to glue brick walls in addition to concrete. 25 kg being packed into one package. For the street, there is a frost-resistant option.

An additional Bergauf ISOFIX cement-sand mixture with fillers and plasticizers, a type of special additive. applied in layers as thick as 3 mm. The solution can be used within an hour and a half of kneading, and the EPPS position is adjusted in thirty minutes. both inside and outside the space.

Polyurethane glue-pen

All forms of plastic, including polystyrene foam, can be joined with any base (OSB, metal, concrete, plaster, wood, aerated concrete, and foam blocks) using polyurethane glue in the form of foam (foam). The foam can be bonded together with glue.

Specialized compositions are available for purchase. The label on the package serves as a marker for them (for polystyrene foam).

The glue plane is not crucial. Surfaces that are vertical and horizontal are adhered to. The link is maintained tightly both within and without the room.

The cylinder must be placed on top of a construction gun in order for installation to be completed. In the figure, application technology is displayed.

Using glue-tin is a convenient option. The task is completed swiftly. has a marginal cost per square meter. There is sufficient cylinder for 10–15 m2. Peni have strong adhesion, are non-freezing, and are resistant to moisture.

The cylinder is ready to use; don’t cook. It takes 30 minutes to see the maximum coupling result, but it only takes 20 seconds to press the details.

  • Tytan Styro 753;
  • Penosil;
  • Ceresit CT-84 Express .


Due to its low cost, PVA is frequently used to glue extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS). Cluting is not the most reliable, so gluing crafts are a better fit for it. It is preferable to give specialty mixes precedence.

PVA effectively fills the spaces in the walls. Moreover, foam plates for dowels were fastened. Usually, PVA is applied in two layers.

"PVA-MB" and "Moment of the Carpenter" are appropriate adhesives made of polyvinyl acetate.

  • The moment is a carpenter . Universal composition for repair. It is supplied in packages of different volumes, from 100 g to 30 kg. The drying time is fast, and the seam is reliable. The structure of polystyrene does not destroy.
  • PVA-MB.The composition contains special plasticizers that improve the quality of the coupling. The seamlit term for the seam longer than the usual PVA.

Installation foam

An efficient composition that also serves to reinforce the concrete’s structure by sealing cracks and seams.

The following could happen if mounting foam is adhered to with glue:

  • After complete drying, the foam increases in volume, which can damage the foam and deform the entire structure;
  • The foam can increase in volume in different ways, therefore voids are formed in some places, the properties of thermal insulation are reduced.

The cost of glue is increased by the large quantity of installation foam required on KV m surfaces.

Suggestions for application:

  • make sure that the foam is suitable for gluing polystyrene, does not destroy it;
  • Polystyrol itself is mounted by another composition;
  • Fill joints with mounting foam;
  • The foam dries quickly, so you need to work similarly;
  • Reducing consumption is possible with an adhesive gun.

Liquid Nails

Possess a premium cost, but the finished product is of the highest caliber. Specialized polyurethane adhesives are the best option.

The qualities of liquid nails (ease of work, service life, adhesion) are optimally balanced. The foam adheres to other materials such as metal, plastic, concrete, and wood flawlessly.

Experts advise using a combination of liquid nails and polyurethane mixtures on glued metal.

The surface is prepared by cleaning, degreasing, and priming in order to increase adhesion.

The exorbitant cost justifies the limited application of nails.

With the correct adhesive and methods, it is simple to glue foam to concrete, wood, metal, or other surfaces. Use a foam-specific adhesive spray or glue made for porous surfaces for foam-to-foam applications. An industrial-strength adhesive or construction adhesive is the best choice when bonding foam to concrete or metal in order to ensure a strong hold. Wood glue or a multipurpose construction adhesive works well for joining foam to wood. The key to a successful bond is preparation. After thoroughly cleaning all surfaces to get rid of dust and debris, evenly apply the adhesive, press the materials together, and give them enough time to dry.

Description of brands

Among the premium brands are:

  • Ceresit CT 83 Strong Fix;
  • Ceresit Express CT 84;
  • Tytan Styro 753 Gun;
  • Knauf Klebespachtel;
  • Thermalizol prospectors;
  • Technonikol Professional;
  • Fenoplax Fastfix;
  • Bitumast.

Ceresit CT 83

Cerezite Ceresite CT 83 exhibits great adhesion, high durability, and can withstand heavy loads. The plaster-red mixture is steamed to prevent moisture from remaining in the room where the heat-insulating plates were fixed. When exposed to fire, it doesn’t catch fire. Outside the house, thick, heavy slabs that are up to 20 cm thick are fastened to the wall.

Brand ST 83 can be used in subzero temperatures, but it must be diluted to +30 °C by heating the powder in water.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • small consumption;
  • vapor permeability;
  • The speed of cooking.


  • price;
  • inadmissibility of gluing on other paint and varnishes;
  • Concrete sticker only three months after its filling;
  • You can mix a good solution without lumps only with a mixer or a drill with a mixer nozzle at 400-800 rpm.

Ceresit CT 84

This is mounting foam, and its primary ingredients are flammable gas and polyurethane. Article 84: Adhesive resistant to freezing. It is employed in extremely cold conditions (-10 °C). The composition hardens for up to seven or ten hours in the cold. In warm weather, hardening takes about two hours at this point.

Approximated Article 84 diagonally after first going around the heat-insulating sheet’s perimeter. It’s brought up to the surface. Only the solvent eliminates the mixture’s protruding remnants.


  • lack of freons in the composition;
  • moisture and water resistance;
  • consumption;
  • Simplicity and installation speed.


  • weak adhesion with paintwork;
  • mandatory fastening with dowels;
  • Before applying foam blocks, the latter require priming.

Tytan Styro 753 Gun

"Titan Styro" foam in 750 g increments. Application requires a construction gun, which speeds up installation.

The fact that there is only a 5 mm layer of foam is a drawback because the outside of the house is so unpredictable. In addition, dowels are needed.

Chops EPPS sheets with cement bases, mastic, plastering, brick, and concrete.


  • economical consumption;
  • The foam is ready for use, does not require cooking;
  • simplicity and speed of application (with a construction gun);
  • good coupling with metal, concrete, brick, plastic and wooden surfaces.


  • price;
  • needs additional fastening with dowels;
  • Operation only at t ° C above zero.

Knauf Klebespachtel

A powder that has been water-diluted. 25 kg of packing. both for external and internal work.

Approaching using G4 and Monojet type machine-like pumps. Large-scale coating is accelerated significantly as a result.

Appropriate for EPS.


  • Perhaps use for reinforcement;
  • grasping period – 1 hour;
  • the presence of a machine method of application;
  • The temperature range of operation.


  • consumption;
  • packing with a large weight, inconvenient during transportation;
  • It is applied for a long time with the hands.

Prospectors thermalizol

Producer: Russia. Powder is the release form. It is possible to fix foam to the wall outside the residence. The shelf life in factory packaging is one year.


  • do not first process the surface;
  • low consumption;
  • used for reinforcement;
  • The solution after kneading is suitable for three hours.


  • high price;
  • discomfort during transportation;
  • slow deadline for complete hardening (three days);
  • operating temperature only above +10 ° C.

Technonikol Professional

Professional Technonikol glue is made of polyurethane. It has a sealing purpose. mentions every kind of polystyrene foam.

Temperature of operation up to thirty degrees Celsius, but not below zero.


  • price;
  • resistance to water, moisture, fungi and mold;
  • the ability to correct the position of the plates for 20 minutes after consolidation;
  • high adhesion;
  • Suitable for external and internal installations.


  • installation only with plus t ° C;
  • installation only by a construction gun;
  • chem. reaction when interacting with silicone and polyethylene;
  • The required humidity level is 50% for a quick hardening.

Foamplex Fastfix

Foam comes in 750 g cylinders containing a foamy substance. It is used to attach extruded and foamed polystyrene foam in conjunction with a mounting gun. Concrete, brick, ceramic surfaces, and gas concrete blocks can all be fixed.

It is used for roofing, rooms, and loggia insulation both inside and outside.

It is shaded light blue. Drings in ten hours and can endure one hundred frost cycles. Temperature of installation: -10 °C to +40 °C.

Applied using a construction gun to create vertical, continuous stripes spaced five centimeters apart. After five to seven minutes, press the insulation sheet that has been dowelled.


-like bitumen for polystyrene foam that has been extruded. For one square meter, pol kg of the mixture is used. Bitumen takes two days to dry. withstands 100 cycles of freezing. The glue has a temperature of only +30 °C, which is above zero.

Cannot be used inside of buildings or on their facades.

Bitumen glue must first be diluted with water. It adheres well to all kinds of bases. The cutoff point for the prolonged seizure in contrast to alternative combinations. The polystyrene must be forced to hold itself together by pressing the sheets; it cannot slide. extremely expensive.

Consumption at 1m2

Computation of the cost in KV per m. Need to figure out how much material needs to be purchased. It is not possible to determine the precise amount. This is affected by the following factors:

  • material, its density and the ability to absorb;
  • Consumption of a particular type and brand of the mixture.

The table provides the average data.

Type of composition Consumption
Dry 500 gr. / m²
Bituminous 800-1000 gr. / m²
Polyurethane 1 cylinder 8-10 m²

Selecting the appropriate adhesive is essential for creating a strong bond when adhering foam to different materials, including concrete, metal, wood, and other foam. The best adhesive for foam-to-foam applications is polyurethane adhesive or a specialty foam adhesive, which ensures a strong bond without causing any material damage. These adhesives fill in spaces and form a strong bond by slightly expanding.

Foam attachment to concrete calls for a different method. It is best to use a polyurethane foam adhesive or a high-strength construction adhesive. To improve adhesion, make sure the concrete surface is dry and clean before applying the adhesive. These adhesives can sustain the weight and density of the foam while offering outstanding hold.

It is crucial to take into account the smooth and non-porous surface of the metal when adhering foam to it. A trustworthy bond can be provided by contact cement or epoxy adhesive. To ensure a long-lasting attachment, you can increase the adhesive’s grip by cleaning and lightly roughening the metal with sandpaper.

Wood glue or a polyurethane adhesive works well for foam to wood applications. These adhesives can penetrate wood’s porous structure and form a strong bond. A strong and long-lasting bond can be achieved by making sure the wood is dry and free of moisture. This will accelerate the adhesion process.

To get the best results in any situation, it is imperative to prepare the surface properly and adhere to the adhesive manufacturer’s instructions. You can successfully glue foam to a variety of materials, producing strong and dependable bonds for your projects, by choosing the appropriate adhesive and making sure surfaces are clean and prepared.

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Alice Chernyshev

Artist with 15 years of experience, color solutions specialist in interior design. I am in love with the world of colors from childhood, I am happy to share my knowledge and experience.

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