Features of putty wooden flooring under laminate or linoleum

To guarantee a smooth, long-lasting, and visually appealing finish, there are a few essential steps involved in preparing a wooden floor for a new laminate or linoleum covering. Puttying the wooden surface is one of the most crucial steps in this procedure. By caulking gaps, cracks, and other imperfections in the wood, putty helps to create an even base and a sturdy base for the new flooring material.

To get the best results, selecting the appropriate putty is crucial. There are various kinds of putty available, each with special qualities appropriate for a particular use. Choosing a putty for wooden flooring that is easy to sand, sticks to the wood well, and has enough flexibility to allow for the inevitable expansion and contraction of the wood over time is essential.

Careful attention to detail is required throughout the application process. The putty will adhere well and work as intended if the wooden surface has been cleaned and prepared properly beforehand. Applying the putty in thin, even layers reduces the chance of it shrinking or cracking and allows it to dry completely.

Sanding the surface is the next crucial step after the putty has fully dried. This guarantees an impeccable, flawless surface, prepared for the application of laminate or linoleum. The final appearance will be more polished and the new flooring will adhere better to a smoother surface.

You can greatly improve the durability and appearance of your new laminate or linoleum flooring by taking the time to putty and prepare a wooden floor. Long-term, this painstaking preparation pays off with a stunning, long-lasting, and flawless finish that is timeless.

Types and features of putty

The flooring materials available on the market today are quite diverse. The following kinds of mixtures can be applied to a wooden floor:

  • Acrylic – putty this type eliminate coating defects, are also used to grind the seams. Acrylic putty has high indicators of moisture resistance and fire safety, very elastic and reliable.

  • Based on solvents – in the composition, as a rule, there is wood dust. Used for wooden bases and parquet floors. Perfectly suitable for working with different wood arrays, including exotic.

  • Oil – at the base is chalk, butter and water. Is a very reliable putty, the only negative is a long drying.

  • Polymer – water -based, used to fill the cracks and smooth out defects. Quick -drying and environmentally friendly compounds with a long service life.

Cork wood flooring cannot be processed with polymer putty. Moreover, it cannot be used on surfaces intended for floorboard installation.

Primary requirements

All putty materials, regardless of type, ought to possess the following characteristics:

  • The uniformity of the texture;
  • good adhesion;
  • quick drying;
  • lack of impurities and interspersed;
  • Excellent wood coating with subsequent light grinding.

Even after reading the composition parameters listed on the package, it is best to test the mixture on a small piece of array before beginning any work.

DIY putty cooking

You can make your own putty or buy it from a store to use for repairs. You can make DIY putty with your own hands by combining the following ingredients:

  • Small sawdust or wood dust that will serve as the filler of the composition. They are connected to olifa or oil varnish, mixed until a thick mixture is formed. Also with fillers, you can use carpentry glue or PVA.
  • A whole piece of old linoleum, which is finely cut and poured with acetone. After dissolving fragments, an excellent putty for a wooden floor is formed, reliably protecting coatings from moisture exposure.
  • Olifa and animal glue – bone or mead. Olifa, ten percent glue, lacquer kerosene and liquid sequettas are mixed in a certain proportion. For the solution, you will also need liquid soap and dry chalk. The glue needs to be heated, add a little soap and hold on low heat, stirring constantly. Gradually introduce an Olifa, turpentine, sequaticature and finally – chalk. Mix the resulting mixture well, to use a warm.
  • Caniphol and ozokerite. The components dissolve with the addition of yellow ocher. Everything is mixed, while the pasty mixture is obtained. Apply should be hot with a metal spatula. The hardened solution can always be heated and used again.

It is noteworthy that putty applied by hand for a wooden floor is nearly as good as its factory counterparts in terms of features and quality. Many people now manufacture the composition at home in this regard.

Identification of irregularities of a wooden floor

The prepared surface, which must first be examined and any irregularities must be found, should be covered with wooden putty. This can be accomplished in a few different ways:

  1. Choose rotten and rotten boards and replace with new.
  2. To conduct measurements before putting down wooden floors, the surface must be cleaned of dust, dirt and other elements.
  3. The use of the construction level, at which compliance with accuracy and attentiveness is required.
  4. Laser level, which is installed on the highest point on the floor. In the places of the appearance of rays, marks are placed, according to which the degree of unevenness is then determined.
  5. Installation level, preferably – large length. Work should start from the corner. The level is attached to the wall, the mark is put, after which the tool moves on. After measuring the entire perimeter of the room, you can determine all the irregularities of the wooden floor.


A set of necessary tools must be available before preparing the surface for varnishing, laminate, linoleum, or just to align and seal the cracks. This contains rubber and metal, rollers and painting brushes, a drill with a mixer, grout, and a container for the mixture. Once you have all the necessary parts on hand, you can get to work.

The array needs to be dry, with no more than 12% humidity. If not, putty surfaces won’t last long and will need to be completely redone.

Simple leveling

The following scheme is followed in order to align the wooden floor:

  1. Surface preparation – you need to carefully remove dirt, dust, spots and degrease.
  2. Putting putty with a spatula. After the impeded layer dries, a small shrinkage can be observed, so when applying it is important to ensure that the composition is above the surface of the tree.
  3. Grinding is carried out with sandpaper or grinding machine.
  4. After the entire area is processed, shells remain on the surface. You need to fill them with the same putty mixture.
  5. After drying, a second putty is performed until the surface becomes perfectly even.

The appropriate pigments are added to the mixture if the updated coating needs to have a specific color. This is particularly true if the floor putty is applied underneath the varnish.

Applying putty to align a wooden floor is fairly simple. An excellent and uniform coating is achieved, provided that all of the recommendations are followed.

Under linoleum

The floor beneath the linoleum is finished with a mixture based on PVA. There are multiple stages to the process:

  1. The floor is cleaned of the old coating, if necessary, bending and creaking boards are attached to the lags.
  2. Wooden rails are stuffed into the floorboards, acting as lighthouses for the leveling procedure.
  3. Sawdust must be wet and squeezed, then add glue to them. The resulting mass is well mixed.
  4. A spatula in several layers between the slats fill areas, due to a possible shrinkage.
  5. After the last layer is laid, the surface is aligned by the rule according to the slats.

The mixture will fully solidify in two days, at which point you can install linoleum.

Aligning the floor beneath the laminate and linoleum in the video.

Under the laminate

You should become familiar with the following techniques and select the most appropriate one in order to know how to level the wooden floor underneath the laminate:

  • Cycles – manual or mechanical, using special grinding units. The leveling of the floor should begin with the in -angles of the nails, which should not be visible on the surface. This process is quite laborious and takes a lot of time.
  • Using plywood – to achieve the desired result, the material is best laid in two layers.
  • Self -leveling mixtures – before pouring them, the floor is primed and gilroid is installed.
  • Concrete screed – recommended to be used for a concrete floor, as there is a strong load to the surface.

Feature Description
Smooth Surface Putty helps to create a smooth and even surface, essential for a professional finish under laminate or linoleum.
Gap Filling It fills in gaps and cracks in the wooden flooring, preventing unevenness and potential damage to the top layer.
Adhesion Ensures better adhesion of the laminate or linoleum, reducing the risk of movement or shifting.
Moisture Barrier Provides a level of moisture resistance, protecting the wood from potential water damage.
Preparation Proper application of putty is crucial for the longevity and durability of the flooring.

The outcome is much better if putty is applied to wooden flooring before laminate or linoleum is installed. This initial step guarantees an even and smooth surface, which is essential for the successful installation and long-term durability of your new floor covering. Putty builds a stable foundation by sealing in cracks, gaps, and other imperfections, which helps to avoid problems like uneven wear or obvious flaws in the finished floor.

Puttying wooden floors requires a few essential steps. In order to guarantee good adhesion and remove old finishes, the surface must first be thoroughly cleaned and sanded. After that, any flaws are filled in with putty. It’s crucial to select putty that works well with wood and is flexible enough to allow for the flooring’s normal expansion and contraction.

To get an impeccable smooth finish, sand the surface once more after the putty has dried. This is an important step because it impacts the laminate or linoleum’s overall performance and appearance. Sanding the floor properly guarantees that there are no rough or high spots that could interfere with installation or cause the floor covering to wear out too soon.

In conclusion, it is worth the time and effort to putty wooden floors before laying laminate or linoleum. It enhances the floor’s visual appeal while also enhancing its performance and longevity. You can guarantee a faultless finish that will improve the appearance and usefulness of your house for many years to come by adhering to the suggested procedures and using high-quality materials.

To guarantee a smooth and even surface when prepping wooden flooring for laminate or linoleum, putty is required. This procedure involves filling in the gaps, cracks, and imperfections in the wood, which not only makes the finished flooring look better but also makes it more resilient and long-lasting. An even wear and tear pattern can be avoided with properly applied putty, which also provides a stable base to optimize the performance and comfort of your new laminate or linoleum floor.

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Daria Yakovlev

Interior designer, author of online color design courses. I will help you create a harmonious interior using color.

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